Share the fuel costs with friends.
All those lifts you give...

Split fuel expenses with friends. Scan the drivers QR Code to pay for fuel in seconds.

Feeless. Fuelyourfriends is a feeless service. It will cost you and your passenger nothing to share fuel costs.
Signup. We will send you 2 QR Codes in the mail. Once you receive the QR Codes, scan one code and link your account.
Crazy Fast. Allow passengers to send money fast. Miss the awkward conversations and settle the fuel debates quickly.
Iphone with 3 QR Codes spanned
Driver’s need QR Codes. Fuelyourfriends is a feeless service. It will cost you and your passenger nothing to share fuel costs.
Jay Gibson | Student “I’m normally left with the fuel bill” "I wanted to give this a go. It worked so well! My friends even started to send money with out being prompted."

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Create an account

Create an acount to get started. You will receive 2 QR Codes in the mail. You can then get started with getting paid by friends.

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Learn who we are

Learn why we built FuelYourFriends. Learn who we are, about our team and what we aim to achieve.